Zyzzyx Road is a suspenseful thriller film that follows Grant, a family man accountant, who travels to Los Angeles and encounters a seductive woman named Marissa in a casino. Their encounter takes a dark turn when Marissa's violent ex-boyfriend, Joey, unexpectedly interrupts them and attacks Grant. In self-defense, Grant kills Joey.
In a panic, Grant decides to dispose of Joey's body by burying it in the remote desert area of Zyzzyx Road. However, when he goes to retrieve the body from the trunk of his car, he discovers that it has mysteriously disappeared. Determined to ensure that Joey's body is never found, Grant sets out on a desperate pursuit of Joey, armed with a shovel.
As Grant searches the vast desert, he stumbles upon an abandoned mine where Joey is hiding. In a tense confrontation, Joey reveals a shocking secret about Marissa, leading Grant to question everything he thought he knew about their fateful encounter.
Zyzzyx Road is a gripping and intense thriller that explores themes of deception, secrets, and the lengths one man will go to protect himself and his loved ones. With its suspenseful plot and unexpected twists, this film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to unravel the truth behind Grant's terrifying journey on Zyzzyx Road.