Zoo Wars
Zoo Warshttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MV5BYTU3YTUzMGItZWJkNS00OGRkLTgwNzUtYzFjZGI3YTYxZjlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjM3NDgxNw@@._V1_SY1000_CR007331000_AL_.jpgUnknown
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Zoo Wars

Nuke is a regular city elephant with a boring desk job yearning for great space adventures. When Nuke joins forces with rogue warrior Squeeze Whistle,... a fearless space squirrel, they set off on a fur-raising adventure to rescue a princess and stop an evil mouse intent on taking over the galaxy. Show More


Zoo Wars is an animated adventure film that follows the thrilling escapades of Nuke, a city elephant with a seemingly ordinary life and a longing for some extraordinary space adventures. Tired of his monotonous desk job, Nuke embarks on an epic mission when he joins forces with the fearless and audacious space squirrel, Squeeze Whistle.

Together, Nuke and Squeeze Whistle find themselves embarked on a daring journey to rescue a princess and prevent a sinister mouse from seizing control of the entire galaxy. This action-packed adventure promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they traverse through various thrilling and fur-raising obstacles.

Filled with captivating characters and spectacular animation, Zoo Wars is a family-friendly film that offers an enthralling storyline and non-stop entertainment. Join Nuke and Squeeze Whistle as they navigate through a series of perilous challenges, showcasing their courage and determination to save the day.

This exhilarating animated movie is certain to delight viewers of all ages, delivering a mix of comedy, heartwarming moments, and adrenaline-pumping action. Prepare to be captivated by the vibrant animation and immerse yourself in the extraordinary world of Zoo Wars. Don't miss out on this unforgettable journey of bravery, friendship, and the triumph of good over evil.

Also Known As:

Zoo Wars

Release Date:

27 Apr 2018


Evan Tramel