Zambezia is an animated adventure film that takes place in the lively bird city located near the spectacular Victoria Falls. The story revolves around Kai, a spirited young falcon who embarks on a journey to the legendary bird city of Zambezia. Throughout his adventure, Kai not only uncovers the truth about his own origins but also learns the importance of being part of a community.
Kai's arrival in Zambezia is met with excitement and curiosity from the diverse group of birds residing there. As he settles into his new surroundings, he discovers the beauty and wonders of the city. However, soon, Zambezia faces a grave threat from a group of menacing reptiles led by the villainous Budzo. Kai, driven by a strong sense of duty, puts his talents to use and joins forces with the courageous Hurricane, the leader of the Hurricane Air Defense, to protect the city and its residents.
Throughout the film, Kai undergoes a transformative journey, learning valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and perseverance along the way. As he defends Zambezia and its inhabitants, Kai not only becomes a vital part of the community but also proves himself to be a true hero.
Zambezia is an enchanting and thrilling film that captures the spirit of adventure and the importance of unity and cooperation. It is a tale of self-discovery and finding one's place in the world, sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Adventures in ZambeziaRelease Date:
28 Dec 2012Writers:
Raffaella Delle Donne, Anthony Silverston, Wayne ThornleyAwards:
3 wins & 6 nominations