In the elegant setting of a hotel nestled in the Alps, Fred and Mick, two longtime friends, find themselves on a vacation reflecting on their lives. Fred, a retired composer and conductor, and Mick, a still-working film director, observe with both curiosity and tenderness the messy and complicated lives of their children, as well as the creative energy of Mick's young writers and the other guests staying at the hotel.
While Mick is desperately trying to finish the screenplay for what he believes will be his final masterpiece, Fred has no desire to return to his musical career. However, someone is determined to see Fred conduct again, despite his unwillingness.
Youth is a poignant and thought-provoking film that explores themes of aging, creativity, and the nature of relationships. Directed by Paolo Sorrentino, the movie delves into the struggles and regrets of individuals reaching the twilight of their lives, as well as their desire to leave their mark on the world.
With stunning visuals capturing the beauty of the Alps and powerful performances from a star-studded cast including Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel, and Rachel Weisz, Youth is a must-watch for those seeking a profound and introspective cinematic experience.