Worst Roommate Ever
Worst Roommate Everhttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/MV5BYWZkZjY2YjEtZWUwNS00YzYxLWIxNGMtZTdkMTY2OWE4MzAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjY5ODI4NDk@._V1_SX300.jpgUnknown
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Worst Roommate Ever

When Alex Miller let Jed Creek rent her room via Craigslist, she had no idea that he was a notorious serial squatter, and that he would use his knowle...dge of tenancy laws to slowly kick her out of her own home. Show More


Also Known As:

Worst Roommate Ever

Release Date:

01 Mar 2022