Working Man is a heartwarming and thought-provoking drama that explores the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Set in a small Rust Belt town, the film follows a dedicated older factory worker who refuses to let the closure of the factory deter him from going to work every day. His unwavering commitment to his job inspires and perplexes the community, who continue to support him even as they face the uncertainty of unemployment.
As the protagonist's daily routine unfolds, the impact of his decision becomes evident, leading to unexpected consequences that touch the lives of those around him. Through powerful performances and insightful storytelling, the film sheds light on the struggle of working-class individuals and the deep connection they have to their jobs and communities.
Working Man serves as a poignant commentary on economic decline, highlighting the emotional toll it takes on individuals and their communities. It explores themes of identity, purpose, and the importance of finding hope in the face of despair. With its powerful message and relatable characters, this film will resonate with audiences seeking a compelling and uplifting story.
Also Known As:
Working ManRelease Date:
13 Apr 2019Writers:
Robert Jury