In the film Wolfcop (2014), viewers are immersed in a story where a troubled and alcoholic policeman finds himself caught in a web of strange and violent occurrences. As the plot unfolds, it becomes apparent that the officer has undergone a mysterious transformation into a werewolf, setting the stage for a thrilling and unpredictable series of events.
Amidst this supernatural twist, the protagonist must navigate the challenges of his newfound abilities while also uncovering the sinister motives behind his transformation. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he realizes that he is an integral part of a larger plan that threatens the safety of his community.
With its intriguing premise and engaging storyline, Wolfcop offers a unique blend of horror, comedy, and mystery that will captivate audiences from start to finish. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you follow the gripping journey of this unconventional hero and his struggle to come to terms with his monstrous alter ego.
Also Known As:
WolfcopRelease Date:
25 Feb 2015Writers:
Lowell DeanAwards:
4 wins & 3 nominations