Wired Shut is a captivating drama that follows the story of a renowned novelist, who finds himself isolated in his mountain home after undergoing extensive jaw surgery. Unable to speak due to his recovery, the novelist's solitude is disrupted when his estranged daughter pays him an unexpected visit. As their relationship becomes strained, a life-threatening secret is revealed that puts both their lives at risk.
This thought-provoking film explores themes of family, identity, and the consequences of our actions. It delves into the protagonist's struggle to find his voice, both literally and metaphorically, as he navigates the complexities of his past and present. Through a series of compelling flashbacks, viewers gain insight into the novelist's life and the choices he has made.
Wired Shut boasts exceptional performances from its cast, with the protagonist's silence adding a layer of intensity to the storytelling. The striking cinematography captures the beauty and isolation of the mountain setting, reflecting the protagonist's internal struggles.
With its compelling storyline and powerful performances, Wired Shut offers an emotional and engaging viewing experience. This film will leave audiences pondering the significance of communication, family bonds, and the consequences of silence.
Also Known As:
Wired ShutRelease Date:
30 Nov 2021Writers:
Peter Malone Elliott, Alexander SharpAwards:
3 nominations