In the thrilling movie Wilderness (2006), a group of troubled teenagers are sent to a remote British island as part of their rehabilitation. The harsh and unforgiving landscape serves as their new home after a fellow prisoner's untimely death. As challenging as their previous lives have been, they soon discover that this unfamiliar wilderness may be their toughest test yet.
Stranded on the island, the juveniles quickly realize they are not alone. Faced with the threat of a mysterious and deadly force, they must band together and fight for their survival. As tensions rise and trust is put to the ultimate test, the group's true character is revealed.
With its gripping storyline and intense action sequences, Wilderness will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Directed by Michael J. Bassett, the film masterfully combines elements of survival, suspense, and horror, delivering an exhilarating cinematic experience.
Featuring a talented ensemble cast, including Sean Pertwee and Alex Reid, Wilderness explores themes of redemption, camaraderie, and the power of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable danger.
Prepare for a wild ride as you embark on this thrilling adventure. Can the young delinquents overcome their troubled pasts and escape the clutches of the merciless wilderness? Don't miss out on Wilderness - the ultimate test of survival.
Also Known As:
WildernessRelease Date:
11 Aug 2006Writers:
Dario Poloni