While We're Young (2014) is a captivating comedy-drama that explores the impact of a young couple on the lives of a middle-aged husband and wife. Josh and Cornelia, played by Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts, find their careers and marriage turned upside down when they meet the free-spirited duo of Jamie and Darby, portrayed by Adam Driver and Amanda Seyfried.
The movie follows Josh, a documentary filmmaker, struggling to complete his latest project while feeling stagnant in both his career and personal life. When he and his wife attend a lecture by promising young filmmaker Jamie, they quickly establish a friendship that brings newfound excitement and energy into their lives.
As the two couples become inseparable, Josh and Cornelia are inspired by the carefree and adventurous nature of Jamie and Darby. They embark on various escapades and seemingly recapture their youth. However, as their relationship becomes increasingly intertwined, tensions arise, leading to a humorous and insightful exploration of generational differences.
While We're Young highlights the universal themes of identity, ambition, and the desire for youth. With its witty dialogue, engaging performances, and sharp observations about modern culture, the movie explores the challenges and rewards of change, ultimately questioning what it means to be true to oneself in today's society.
This critically acclaimed film, directed by Noah Baumbach, offers a thought-provoking and entertaining experience that will appeal to audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
While We're YoungRelease Date:
17 Apr 2015Writers:
Noah Baumbach, Henrik Ibsen, Wallace ShawnAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations