In the iconic and gritty film Watchmen set in an alternate 1985, the era of costumed vigilantes has come to an end due to a government crackdown. However, when one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered, a gripping investigation into the killer is launched. The heroes, once separated, are reunited to not only unravel the mystery behind the murder but also safeguard themselves from a looming threat that could lead to their own destruction.
As they dig deeper, the heroes uncover a sinister plot that poses a far greater danger to humanity than they could have ever imagined. Along their treacherous journey, they navigate complex moral dilemmas, personal conflicts, and confront their own troubled pasts.
Watchmen is a thrilling and thought-provoking exploration of justice, power, and the blurred lines between heroism and villainy. The film transports viewers into a visually stunning and dark world, where flawed yet compelling characters embark on an epic quest to save the world from imminent destruction.
This critically acclaimed cinematic masterpiece, based on the renowned graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, boast a stellar cast and is directed by acclaimed filmmaker Zack Snyder. Watchmen is a must-watch for fans of action, mystery, and intricate storytelling.
Also Known As:
WatchmenRelease Date:
06 Mar 2009Writers:
David Hayter (screenplay), Alex Tse (screenplay), Dave Gibbons (graphic novel illustrator)Awards:
11 wins & 22 nominations.