Wasted is a hilarious and surreal slacker comedy that takes place in a quaint West Country village. The lives of a close-knit group of twenty-something friends are about to take an unexpected turn when a familiar figure appears as their spirit guide. This figure, with a mysterious past and some supernatural abilities, brings about a series of mind-bending events that will alter their lives forever.
This unique and offbeat film introduces us to a well-developed cast of characters, each with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies. As the story unfolds, we witness the group navigate through strange encounters, absurd situations, and comical mishaps, all while trying to make sense of their newfound guide's purpose.
With its blend of humor, bizarre plot twists, and unforgettable characters, Wasted offers an entertaining and thought-provoking journey. The film explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the meaning of life in a refreshingly unconventional way.
With its picturesque setting in the West Country, Wasted provides a visually stunning backdrop that adds an extra layer of charm to the story. The stunning cinematography captures the beauty of the countryside, juxtaposed with the absurdity of the characters' adventures.
Prepare to be whisked away on a wild and surreal adventure in Wasted, a captivating film that offers a fresh take on the slacker comedy genre.
Also Known As:
WastedRelease Date:
26 Jul 2016Writers:
Jon Foster, James Lamont