War Pigs is a thrilling war film set during World War II. The story follows Captain Jack Wosick, a disgraced Army officer longing for redemption. He is given a chance to prove himself when he is asked to lead a group of misfit soldiers known as the War Pigs on a top-secret mission. Their objective is to infiltrate enemy lines and seize the Nazi's devastating new weapon, the V3 artillery cannon, which could give them an unbeatable advantage.
To accomplish this dangerous mission, Captain Wosick enlists the help of Captain Hans Picault, a German Anti-Nazi fighting with the French Foreign Legion, and Colonel AJ Redding, a seasoned veteran of World War I. Together, they must train the War Pigs and transform them into a cohesive reconnaissance unit.
Throughout the film, the team faces numerous challenges and obstacles that test their loyalty, bravery, and skills. As they navigate behind enemy lines, they must rely on their training and the bonds they have formed to outsmart the Nazis and complete their mission.
War Pigs is an action-packed war film that explores themes of redemption, camaraderie, and the sacrifices soldiers make for their countries. It showcases the courage and determination of a group of unlikely heroes as they go head-to-head with the enemy in a life-or-death mission.