War, Inc. is a sharp and satirical political comedy that takes place in the war-torn country of Turaqistan, which is under the control of an American private corporation. The company, run by a former US Vice President, is determined to exploit the opportunities the nation offers. To further their agenda, the CEO hires a troubled hitman to assassinate a Middle East oil minister.
This hitman, who is grappling with his own personal demons, must assume the role of the corporation's Trade Show Producer to carry out the mission successfully. In order to maintain his cover, he must also organize the extravagant wedding of a provocative Middle Eastern pop star named Yonica Babyyeah. To complicate matters, he must keep a seductive left-wing reporter in check, who threatens to expose the corporation's shady dealings.
As the hitman navigates the complexities of his assignment, he becomes entangled in a web of politics, greed, and personal sacrifice. With sharp wit and biting humor, War, Inc. serves as a biting commentary on the intersection of war, capitalism, and the media.
This politically charged satire, set against the backdrop of an absurdly exaggerated world, offers a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of the dark side of global politics and corporate power.