Violet Evergarden is a 2017 movie that follows the story of Violet, a young girl who was once known as the weapon. After leaving the battlefield, she starts a new life at CH Postal Service. While working there, she becomes deeply inspired by the work of the Auto Memories Dolls, who have the ability to convert people's thoughts and emotions into written words.
With the desire to help people express their feelings through writing, Violet begins her journey as an Auto Memories Doll. Throughout her work, she encounters various individuals with different emotions and experiences of love. As she interacts with these people, Violet herself undergoes a transformation, gradually learning about her own emotions and the power of empathy.
Violet Evergarden is a captivating movie that combines elements of fantasy, drama, and romance. It explores themes of love, loss, and the importance of communication in human relationships. The film is praised for its stunning visuals, intricate character development, and heartfelt storytelling. It is a thought-provoking and emotional journey that will leave audiences with a renewed appreciation for the power of words and the ability to connect with others on a deep level.