In Varg Veum - Svarte får, the eighth installment in the series written by Gunnar Staalesen, the story revolves around the sister of Varg Veum's girlfriend. Veum's girlfriend's sister leads a risky lifestyle as a prostitute and becomes involved in a web of illicit activities including drug dealing, pimping, and other criminal actions.
As Veum delves into the dark underbelly of society to uncover the truth, he must confront dangerous and powerful individuals who are determined to keep their secrets hidden. With his relentless determination and sharp detective skills, Veum unravels a complex network of corruption and deceit.
The film exposes the gritty and seedy side of the streets, where Veum encounters both victims and perpetrators, and must navigate a treacherous landscape to protect the innocent and bring the criminals to justice.
Varg Veum - Svarte får is a thrilling crime drama that showcases the tenacity and resilience of its protagonist as he battles against the odds to expose the truth. With its intense and action-packed scenes, viewers will be captivated by Veum's mission to uncover the dark secrets of his girlfriend's sister's involvement with dangerous criminals.
This suspenseful and fast-paced film is a must-watch for fans of the Varg Veum series and anyone who enjoys gritty crime dramas.
Also Known As:
Black SheepRelease Date:
21 Jan 2011Writers:
Trygve Allister Diesen, Christopher Harberg