Vapen, lögner och videoband is a gripping documentary that explores the astounding career of Viktor Bout, a notorious arms smuggler who was arrested in 2008. Known as the merchant of death, Bout had constructed an empire of aerial delivery and had become an infamous figure in the international arms trade. The film sheds light on the contrast between his widespread public image as a super-villain and the lesser-known side of Bout as a contemplative businessman who cherished his family, travels, and the art of recording his life experiences on video.
This documentary takes us behind the scenes of Bout's arrest, revealing the inner workings of the U.S. government sting operation that led to his capture in Thailand. It also delves into his upbringing and provides insight into his motivations and mindset. Through interviews with Bout himself, as well as his family, friends, and former associates, the film presents a complex portrait of a man who straddled the line between villain and ordinary person.
In addition to exploring Bout's personal life, Vapen, lögner och videoband examines the global implications of his illegal activities, shedding light on the broader issues of arms trafficking and its impact on global conflicts. Overall, this thought-provoking documentary offers a nuanced perspective on a man who defied expectations and left a lasting mark on the world.