Valhalla Rising is an intense and thought-provoking film set in 1000 AD. The story follows One Eye, a mute warrior with supernatural strength, who has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde. With the help of a young slave named Are, One Eye manages to kill his captor and the two of them escape, setting off on a dangerous journey.
Seeking freedom, One Eye and Are find themselves on a Viking vessel that becomes lost in a dense fog. As the fog clears, they discover an unknown land filled with secrets and horrors. The Vikings on board must face their grim fate as they encounter unimaginable violence.
Throughout their journey, One Eye begins to unearth his true identity and purpose. The film delves into themes of fate, self-discovery, and the darkness that resides within the human spirit.
Valhalla Rising is a visually stunning and atmospheric movie that will keep viewers captivated from start to finish. With its mesmerizing cinematography, powerful performances, and haunting soundtrack, this film delivers a unique and visceral experience that will leave audiences pondering its deeper meaning long after the credits roll.
Also Known As:
Valhalla RisingRelease Date:
31 Mar 2010Writers:
Nicolas Winding Refn, Roy Jacobsen, Matthew ReadAwards:
4 wins & 9 nominations