In Twa-Tiu-Tiann, a Taiwanese college boy finds himself transported back in time to the 1920s through a famous painting called South Street Festival. Unfortunately, he becomes trapped in this era when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. Initially, he panics and desperately tries to find a way back to the present day. However, his perspective changes when he meets the most beautiful geisha in town.
This unexpected encounter leads the college boy to reconsider his desire to return to 2014. As he immerses himself in the vibrant culture and fascinating characters of the 1920s, he begins to appreciate the charm and allure of this bygone era.
As the college boy becomes more involved in the lives of the people around him, he discovers the power of friendship, love, and self-discovery. These experiences shape his understanding of life and ultimately lead to personal growth.
Twa-Tiu-Tiann offers viewers a unique blend of historical fiction and romantic comedy. It transports them to a time and place where they can witness the magic and beauty of old Taiwan. With stunning visuals, captivating characters, and a heartfelt storyline, this film is sure to captivate audiences and take them on an unforgettable journey.