Tulip Fever
Tulip Feverhttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MV5BZDY3MTAyNmEtZDY1Yi00NGY5LTg1ZDctNDQ2N2FlMmRlYWU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTQzOTc3MTI@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Tulip Fever

An artist falls for a young married woman while he's commissioned to paint her portrait during the Tulip mania of seventeenth century Amsterdam.


Tulip Fever (2017) is a captivating historical drama set during the Tulip Mania in 17th century Amsterdam. The film follows an artist who becomes infatuated with a young married woman while commissioned to paint her portrait. As they grow closer, their illicit affair becomes entangled in a risky plan to make a fortune during the speculative tulip market.

Amsterdam in the 1600s is depicted with lavish sets and costumes, transporting viewers to a vibrant world of wealth, art, and passion. The film's central love story unfolds against the backdrop of the tulip trade, a real-life historical event where tulips were highly valued and sought after, leading to an economical bubble.

The talented cast features Oscar winners Alicia Vikander and Christoph Waltz, who deliver powerful performances as the artist and his wealthy husband, respectively. Their chemistry onscreen adds depth to the characters' complicated relationships and the consequences of their choices.

Tulip Fever offers an engaging narrative filled with suspense, secrets, and forbidden love. The film explores themes of desire, sacrifice, and the consequences of pursuing forbidden passions. Director Justin Chadwick skillfully brings the story to life, capturing the romance and intensity of the era.

With its striking visuals and passionate performances, Tulip Fever transports viewers to a bygone era of love, art, and the unending quest for wealth. It is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of period dramas.

Also Known As:

Tulip Fever

Release Date:

01 Sep 2017


Deborah Moggach, Tom Stoppard


1 nomination