In the heartwarming Swedish film Tsatsiki, farsan och olivkriget (2015), Tsatsiki finds himself faced with a challenging situation when his dad is forced to sell their cherished olive farm. Determined to save their beloved land from falling into the hands of an evil corporation, Tsatsiki teams up with his friends Per-Hammar and Alva to devise a plan.
As the trio embarks on their mission, they encounter various obstacles and must use their wit and determination to overcome them. Along the way, they learn about the power of friendship, loyalty, and the importance of fighting for what you believe in. Through their adventures, Tsatsiki and his friends discover the true meaning of family and the strength that can be found in unity.
Set against the idyllic backdrop of the Swedish countryside, Tsatsiki, farsan och olivkriget captures the beauty of nature and the connection between people and the land they call home. With its heartwarming story, lovable characters, and themes of resilience and bravery, this film is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
Don't miss out on this delightful Swedish film that will inspire and entertain viewers with its heart, humor, and the enduring power of friendship. Join Tsatsiki and his friends on their courageous journey to save their olive farm and discover the true meaning of family along the way.
Also Known As:
Tsatsiki, Dad and the Olive WarRelease Date:
11 Dec 2015Writers:
Moni Nilsson-Brännström