Troppo is a thrilling TV series that follows the story of Ted Conkaffey, a former police officer plagued by a false accusation of a grisly crime. In order to escape the unforgiving judgment of society, he retreats to the untamed landscapes of Far North Queensland. However, his quest for solace takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with an idiosyncratic private investigator.
Set against the backdrop of the captivating wilderness, Troppo delves into the complexities of Ted's character as he grapples with the repercussions of the wrongful accusation that shattered his life. As he becomes increasingly intertwined with the enigmatic private investigator, their shared journey entangles them in a web of deceit and danger.
This gripping series pushes the boundaries of trust, loyalty, and redemption, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats throughout each thrilling episode. Ted's relentless pursuit of justice, coupled with the eccentricities of his newfound companion, adds an unpredictable layer of intrigue to the storyline.
Troppo showcases the stunning beauty of Far North Queensland, providing a visually captivating experience that complements the intense narrative. With its enthralling plot and compelling characters, Troppo promises to be an engrossing TV series that explores the complexities of human nature and the lengths one will go to reclaim their innocence.
Also Known As:
TroppoRelease Date:
20 May 2022Writers:
Yolanda RamkeAwards:
1 nomination