In the Norwegian mockumentary film Trollhunter, a group of university students sets out to investigate a series of mysterious bear deaths in Norway. Thomas, Johanna, and Kalle, armed with their cameras, follow the elusive hunter Hans in hopes of uncovering the truth behind the killings. Initially reluctant, Hans eventually allows them to film him in action, but on the condition that they follow his every command.
As they delve deeper into their investigation, the students soon discover that Hans is not just an ordinary hunter. He is, in fact, a troll hunter working for a top-secret government agency. Unbeknownst to the general public, trolls are real creatures that roam the Norwegian wilderness. However, a number of these dangerous trolls have escaped from their designated territories, posing a threat to both humans and the environment. Hans has been tasked with tracking down and eliminating these rogue trolls.
As the students document Hans' mission, they come face-to-face with the terrifying and awe-inspiring world of trolls. They witness epic battles between Hans and these enormous creatures, while also uncovering the truth behind their existence and the government's efforts to keep them hidden from society. Will they survive this dangerous journey and expose the truth to the world, or will they be silenced like so many before them?
Join Thomas, Johanna, and Kalle as they embark on a thrilling adventure that will forever change their lives and our understanding of the mythical creatures known as trolls. Trollhunter is a captivating mockumentary that combines suspense, action, and folklore to deliver a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
TrollhunterRelease Date:
29 Oct 2010Writers:
André ØvredalAwards:
12 wins & 13 nominations.