Triple 9 is a gripping crime thriller that follows a group of corrupt police officers who find themselves entangled in a dangerous blackmail scheme orchestrated by the Russian mob. Desperate to execute a high-stakes heist, they devise a plan that requires creating a 999, a police code for officer down. Their intention is to use an unsuspecting rookie officer as their sacrificial pawn. However, their well-thought-out scheme takes an unexpected turn when the rookie survives the ambush.
As tensions rise and the stakes become increasingly higher, the film delves into a thrilling game of cat and mouse, filled with intense action sequences, betrayals, and a quest for revenge. With an action-packed finale that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats, Triple 9 is a must-watch for fans of the crime thriller genre.
Featuring an ensemble cast including Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Winslet, and Woody Harrelson, the film delivers powerful performances that bring the complex characters to life. With its gritty atmosphere, suspenseful storyline, and intricate plot twists, Triple 9 is a captivating and adrenaline-fueled crime film that will keep audiences engaged from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Triple 9Release Date:
26 Feb 2016Writers:
Matt CookAwards:
4 nominations