In the year 2074, the world is in chaos after a catastrophic event. Europe has become a battleground for various Tribes that have risen from the ruins. The Tribes of Europa is a thrilling sci-fi series that follows the journey of three siblings from the peaceful Origine tribe, who are torn apart and must navigate their own dangerous paths.
As war rages across the continent, the siblings find themselves thrust into a world where survival is paramount. Kiano, the brave and resourceful brother, finds himself recruited by a powerful group known as the Crimson Republic. Liv, the intelligent and determined sister, becomes entangled in the sinister world of the Crows, a mysterious gang ruling over a dystopian city. Elja, the youngest sibling, embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Cube, a powerful artifact that could hold the key to saving humanity.
As they face numerous challenges and encounter different factions battling for control, the siblings must rely on their unique strengths and alliances to survive and reunite. Along the way, they discover shocking truths and hidden agendas that could change the fate of the Tribes forever.
Tribes of Europa is an action-packed series that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival, political intrigue, and family bonds. With stunning visuals, compelling characters, and a captivating storyline, this series will keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness the struggle for power and the fight for a new world order in the shattered remnants of Europe.
Also Known As:
Tribes of EuropaRelease Date:
19 Feb 2021Writers:
Philip KochAwards:
3 nominations