Experience the thrilling adventure of Treasure Island (2012) as young Jim Hawkins embarks on a dangerous expedition to an infamous Island renowned for its hidden riches. With an indomitable spirit, Jim proves to be the sole candidate capable of steering a schooner to its destination. However, aboard the vessel, a peculiar cook named John Silver emerges as an enigmatic figure whose true intentions cast doubt on the loyalty of the entire crew.
In this exhilarating adaptation of the classic tale, Treasure Island hooks viewers with a captivating storyline filled with twists and turns. Join Jim as he navigates treacherous waters, battling both external threats and internal uncertainty. Perfectly capturing the essence of Robert Louis Stevenson's beloved novel, this film delves into themes of trust, betrayal, and the power of friendship.
Featuring stunning cinematography and a talented ensemble cast, Treasure Island is a must-watch for fans of adventure and mystery. Explore a world filled with hidden treasures, sinister characters, and unexpected alliances. Will Jim remain steadfast in the face of adversity and uncover the coveted riches? Or will hidden agendas unravel the crew's chances of success?
Prepare for an unforgettable journey as Treasure Island takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, action, and unexpected revelations.
Also Known As:
Treasure IslandRelease Date:
05 May 2012Writers:
Stewart Harcourt, Robert Louis StevensonAwards:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. 4 nominations total