In the gripping thriller film, Trauma Center (2019), viewers are taken on a heart-pounding journey as a desperate young woman fights for her life against ruthless killers. Set in a locked-down hospital, the adrenaline-fueled story unfolds as the woman, who is critically injured and alone, discovers that her life is in grave danger.
The woman soon realizes that she possesses a vital piece of evidence, a bullet lodged in her leg, which could expose the killers' involvement in a gruesome murder. With this realization, the tension intensifies as the killers relentlessly pursue her through the hospital's corridors, determined to silence her at any cost.
As the woman races against time to escape, the film provides an engaging and suspenseful narrative. Audiences will find themselves on the edge of their seats, anticipating the woman's every move as she navigates the treacherous hospital environment and evades capture.
Directed by Matt Eskandari, Trauma Center is a pulse-pounding thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Its gripping storyline, combined with intense action sequences, creates a nail-biting cinematic experience that is sure to leave audiences breathless.
Note: This summary does not disclose any key plot points or spoilers, allowing viewers to fully enjoy the film's suspense and surprises.
Also Known As:
Trauma CenterRelease Date:
06 Dec 2019Writers:
Paul Da Silva