In the quirky and heartwarming Swedish film Tord och Tord (2010), viewers are introduced to two characters, both named Tord, who unexpectedly find themselves neighbors in the same apartment building. When one Tord accidentally wanders into the other Tord's apartment, a unique bond is formed between the two men. As they begin to spend time together, their similarities and differences start to emerge, leading to moments of humor, introspection, and connection.
As the unlikely friendship between the two Tords deepens, viewers are taken on a journey of self-discovery and companionship. Through their interactions, the film explores themes of identity, loneliness, and the power of human connection. With its charming and understated performances, Tord och Tord offers a refreshing take on the importance of relationships and the impact that even chance encounters can have on our lives.
Experience the touching and delightful story of the two Tords as they navigate the ups and downs of friendship in this heartfelt Swedish film.
Also Known As:
Tord och TordRelease Date:
01 Jan 2011Writers:
Niki Lindroth von BahrAwards:
3 nominations