In Tooth Fairy 2 (2012), a heartwarming family comedy, Larry Guthrie, played by Larry the Cable Guy, finds himself on a mission to win back the love of his life. After losing his childhood sweetheart to the town heartthrob, Larry decides to volunteer at her after-school program to impress her. However, things take an unexpected turn when he accidentally tells a group of children that the tooth fairy is not real.
Panicking, Larry comes up with a plan to make amends. With the help of a quirky faith healer, he transforms himself into the magical Tooth Fairy, complete with wings and a wand. As he embarks on his new role, Larry faces numerous challenges that test his newfound abilities and teaches him important life lessons along the way.
Tooth Fairy 2 is a heartwarming tale that reminds viewers about the value of believing in oneself and the power of redemption. Larry the Cable Guy's trademark humor keeps the movie lighthearted and entertaining for the whole family. With its positive message and relatable characters, the film is sure to leave audiences with a smile on their faces.
Join Larry on his journey to becoming the Tooth Fairy and discover how he embraces his inner magic while learning some important life lessons. This feel-good comedy is perfect for a family movie night or a lighthearted evening of entertainment.
Also Known As:
Tooth Fairy 2Release Date:
06 Mar 2012Writers:
Jim Piddock (based on characters created by), Ben Zazove