Tooken (2015) is a hilarious action-comedy that follows the life of Bryan Miller, a former CIA agent who now works as a security guard. Bryan's life is in shambles as he deals with a divorce and a wife who is about to remarry a porn star known as Big Anaconda. Along with this, he struggles to properly communicate with his teenage daughter and finds himself unable to handle puppies in his car.
Desperate for a change, Bryan decides to purchase a product called Vialis, hoping it will bring some excitement back into his life. However, things take an unexpected turn when the company responsible for Vialis causes a massive fire. In the midst of chaos, Bryan must navigate a series of mishaps and hilarious encounters in order to save his daughter and wife, all while trying to save himself.
Tooken is a wild ride filled with awkward situations, over-the-top characters, and plenty of laughs. Fans of action-comedies will thoroughly enjoy this film, as it combines thrilling moments with humorous situations. With its fast-paced storyline and relatable protagonist, Tooken guarantees a fun and entertaining experience for viewers of all ages.
Experience the comedy and chaos of Tooken as Bryan Miller fights to save his loved ones and himself amidst a whirlwind of mishaps.