Todos tenemos un plan is a captivating Argentine movie that takes viewers on an intense and suspenseful journey. The story revolves around a man who assumes the identity of his deceased twin brother, Agustín, in Buenos Aires. Agustín was living a secretive life in the Tigre Delta, a maze-like region of islands and rivers, and after his death, his brother decides to leave behind his mundane life and embark on an adventure of uncertainty.
As he takes on his brother's life, the protagonist discovers hidden secrets and encounters unexpected dangers along the way. He meets his brother's former accomplices and becomes tangled in a dangerous criminal world. This thrilling journey prompts him to question his own identity and choices.
The movie showcases the breathtaking landscapes of Tigre Delta, establishing a strong sense of atmosphere and adding to the overall mystery and tension. With its beautifully shot scenes and compelling performances, Todos tenemos un plan keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
This gripping Argentine film delves into the themes of identity and self-discovery, leaving audiences contemplating the choices we make and how they shape our lives. Todos tenemos un plan is an enthralling and thought-provoking movie that will keep viewers captivated from beginning to end.
Also Known As:
Everybody Has a PlanRelease Date:
30 Aug 2012Writers:
Ana Piterbarg, Ana CohanAwards:
4 wins & 6 nominations