Time Pirates (2022) is an exciting adventure film that follows the journey of the teen band, SM6. During their first gig, the band stumbles upon a half of a treasure map, which transports them back in time to a mysterious location known as Mystic Island. Now, in order to return home, the band must embark on a thrilling quest to locate the missing half of the map and find the hidden treasure.
As they navigate through this unfamiliar and exhilarating world, the members of SM6 encounter various obstacles and challenges. From encountering ferocious pirates to deciphering ancient clues, the band must rely on their friendship, teamwork, and musical talents to overcome these hurdles.
Time Pirates offers a unique blend of adventure, mystery, and music, making it a perfect choice for viewers of all ages. This film showcases the band's journey of self-discovery and growth, as they not only search for the treasure but also learn valuable lessons about resilience, courage, and the power of friendship.
Filled with stunning visuals, exhilarating action sequences, and heartwarming moments, Time Pirates is an engaging and captivating film that will keep audiences hooked until the very end. Join SM6 on their epic adventure and witness the magic of time travel and the power of music.
Also Known As:
Time PiratesRelease Date:
09 Sep 2022Writers:
Marc Gottlieb