In the thrilling movie Time Lapse, three close friends stumble upon a perplexing device that captures photographs of events occurring 24 hours in the future. Fascinated by this incredible discovery, they quickly devise a plan to exploit their newfound power for personal gain. However, as the trio becomes entangled in their selfish desires, they slowly unveil a series of unsettling and perilous images that emerge from the mysterious machine.
Time Lapse intricately weaves a tale of suspense as it explores the consequences of tampering with time and fate. As the friends try to navigate the repercussions of their actions, tensions rise, risking their friendship and sanity. With each passing day, the photographs become increasingly dire, pushing the boundaries of their moral compasses and forcing them to confront their deepest fears.
Directed by Bradley King, this mind-bending sci-fi thriller captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and brilliant performances. Each character grapples with the ethical dilemmas posed by their newfound power, leading to a thought-provoking examination of human nature and the consequences of our choices.
Prepare to be captivated as Time Lapse takes you on a suspenseful journey into the realm of time manipulation. This film delves into the dark side of humanity, provoking questions about the boundaries we are willing to cross for personal gain. With its gripping plot and stellar cast, Time Lapse promises an exhilarating and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Time LapseRelease Date:
15 May 2015Writers:
Bradley King, Bp CooperAwards:
22 wins & 5 nominations