Three Minutes: A Lengthening is a poignant and introspective film that takes viewers on a captivating journey into the lives of Jewish citizens in a small Polish village on the brink of World War II. Shot entirely on 16mm film, this emotionally charged documentary provides a mere snippet of the complex experiences faced by these unsuspecting individuals.
The film offers a meditative perspective on the lives of these citizens, giving viewers a glimpse into their hopes, dreams, and everyday moments as they navigate a society on the verge of turmoil. Through a combination of stunning cinematography and personal narratives, Three Minutes: A Lengthening invites viewers to contemplate the fragility of human existence and the power of resilience in the face of impending danger.
While sparing the audience from revealing major spoilers, this film beautifully captures the essence of the historical period while shedding light on themes of identity, community, and survival. The skillful use of 16mm film adds an authentic and raw quality to the storytelling, immersing viewers in the lives of the characters and evoking a sense of empathy.
Three Minutes: A Lengthening is a powerful and thought-provoking portrayal of the human experience during a tumultuous time in history. Prepare to be moved by this captivating and visually stunning documentary that illuminates the strength and spirit of individuals on the cusp of unimaginable adversity.
Also Known As:
Three Minutes: A LengtheningRelease Date:
07 Apr 2022Writers:
Bianca Stigter, Glenn KurtzAwards:
2 wins & 11 nominations