In Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021), a heart-pounding thriller set in the vast Montana wilderness, a young murder witness named Connor finds himself being hunted down by ruthless twin assassins. As the killers relentlessly pursue him, Connor's only hope lies in the hands of Hannah, a skilled survival expert assigned to protect him.
The tension escalates as a raging forest fire engulfs the region, putting their lives and the entire wilderness in grave danger. With time running out and the flames closing in, Hannah must use every ounce of her expertise to outwit the assassins and keep herself and Connor alive.
Directed by Taylor Sheridan, known for his gripping storytelling in Hell or High Water and Wind River, this adrenaline-fueled movie combines non-stop action with breathtaking cinematography, capturing the beauty and brutality of the treacherous Montana landscape.
Starring a powerhouse ensemble cast, including Angelina Jolie as Hannah, Nicholas Hoult and Aidan Gillen as the relentless assassins, and Finn Little as the vulnerable Connor, Those Who Wish Me Dead is a thrilling rollercoaster ride that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
With stunning visuals, intense performances, and a gripping narrative, this film delivers an immersive experience that explores the themes of survival, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds between unlikely allies in the face of extreme adversity. Experience the nail-biting intensity of Those Who Wish Me Dead as it unfolds on your screen.