In the heartwarming film Thi Mai, Rumbo a Vietnam (2017), viewers are taken on a heartfelt journey with a determined woman and her two friends as they embark on a mission to Vietnam. The trio's goal is to bring back the young girl that the woman's recently deceased daughter had planned to adopt. Faced with cultural differences and unexpected challenges, the women must navigate through unfamiliar territory and overcome obstacles as they strive to fulfill their mission.
Thi Mai, Rumbo a Vietnam explores themes of love, loss, friendship, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her daughter. Through laughter, tears, and heartwarming moments, the film showcases the resilience and strength of the human spirit as the women navigate through the ups and downs of their emotional journey.
With beautiful cinematography, a touching storyline, and authentic performances, Thi Mai, Rumbo a Vietnam is a captivating tale of hope, determination, and the power of love. This heartwarming film is sure to resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression.
Also Known As:
Thi Mai, rumbo a VietnamRelease Date:
12 Jan 2018Writers:
Marta Sánchez