They Reach is a thrilling horror film set in 1979. The story follows a young girl who accidentally discovers a possessed tape player, not knowing the evil that lurks within it. Unleashing a demonic entity upon her family, she unknowingly sets off a chain of terrifying events that threatens to consume her entire town of Clarkston.
As the sinister force takes hold of the town, the girl's family becomes haunted by the malevolent presence. The demonic entity torments them in unimaginable ways, leaving them in a constant state of fear and desperation. With each passing day, the evil grows stronger, slowly dragging Clarkston into the clutches of Hell.
As the story unfolds, the girl and her friends embark on a desperate mission to put an end to the demonic terror. Armed with determination and facing unimaginable odds, they must find a way to stop the unleashed evil before it engulfs them all.
Featuring a gripping storyline and captivating performances, They Reach offers a chilling experience filled with intense scares and supernatural encounters. This exciting horror film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish, providing a thrilling journey into the heart of darkness.
Also Known As:
They ReachRelease Date:
29 May 2020Writers:
Sylas Dall (screenplay), Sylas Dall (story), Bry Troyer (screenplay)