Then Came You (2018) is a heartwarming comedy that follows the journey of Calvin, a hypochondriac airport baggage handler, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a British teenager named Skye. Skye, who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, enlists Calvin's help in completing her ambitious bucket list. Reluctantly, he agrees, and together they embark on a series of exciting and unconventional adventures.
As Calvin and Skye check off each item on the list, they develop an unlikely friendship that pushes Calvin out of his comfort zone and forces him to confront his deepest fears. Along the way, they encounter humorous and touching moments that challenge their perceptions of life and death.
Directed by Adriana Trigiani and featuring an exceptional cast including Asa Butterfield as Calvin and Maisie Williams as Skye, Then Came You is a poignant and inspirational tale of friendship and personal growth. Its witty humor, heartfelt performances, and poignant message make it a must-watch film for audiences of all ages.
Filled with uplifting moments and unexpected twists, Then Came You will leave viewers with a newfound appreciation for life's adventures and the importance of living in the present moment. Don't miss this heartfelt comedy that reminds us to cherish every moment and make the most of our time.
Also Known As:
Then Came YouRelease Date:
01 Feb 2019Writers:
Fergal Rock