In the quaint village of Eastwick, three single women, played by Cher, Susan Sarandon, and Michelle Pfeiffer, find their lives forever changed when a mysterious and charismatic man named Daryl Van Horne, portrayed by Jack Nicholson, arrives in town. As the women form a close bond with Daryl, they discover that he has the power to grant their deepest desires and unleash their hidden talents. However, their newfound powers come at a cost as they soon realize that Daryl is not who he seems.
As the women embrace their newfound abilities, they also find themselves caught in a web of secrets and deception that threatens to unravel their lives. With their friendship tested and their loyalties questioned, the women must navigate the dangerous world of magic and desire while facing the consequences of their actions.
Filled with dark humor and dazzling visuals, The Witches of Eastwick is a captivating tale of power, temptation, and female empowerment. Join these three women on a spellbinding journey as they discover the true meaning of friendship and sacrifice.
Also Known As:
The Witches of EastwickRelease Date:
12 Jun 1987Writers:
John Updike, Michael CristoferAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 5 wins & 13 nominations total