In the heart-pounding action thriller The Tournament (2009), an underground event known as The Tournament takes place every seven years in a quiet town. Thirty of the world's most lethal assassins gather to participate in a battle royale, where only one will emerge victorious and claim the coveted $10,000,000 cash prize. More than just money, the winner also inherits the prestigious title of Worlds No 1, which carries with it a legendary price tag of one million dollars per bullet.
The high-stakes event attracts a diverse cast of characters, each with their own deadly skill set. From skilled gunmen to martial arts experts, this tournament showcases the best of the best in the world of assassins. As competitors face off against each other, alliances form and betrayals unfold, adding an extra layer of suspense to the gripping narrative.
Directed by Scott Mann and featuring a stellar cast including Ving Rhames, Kelly Hu, and Robert Carlyle, The Tournament is an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With jaw-dropping action sequences and unexpected twists, this action-packed film is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Prepare yourself for a thrilling battle of survival as the deadliest assassins in the world face off for the ultimate prize in The Tournament.