In The Territory (2022), an epic drama set in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a network of Brazilian farmers encroaches upon a protected area, threatening the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Determined to defend the land and protect an uncontacted group living within the forest, a young Indigenous leader and his mentor embark on a courageous battle against the powerful forces that seek to exploit the resources of the region.
At the center of the story is the compelling relationship between the young leader and his wise mentor, who possess an unwavering commitment to their ancestral traditions and the preservation of the forest. Together, they gather support from within their own community and forge alliances with environmental activists to confront the farmers and halt their destructive activities.
As tension escalates, the film explores the devastating consequences of deforestation, highlighting the far-reaching impact on both the environment and the indigenous people who call the Amazon their home. The Territory is a cinematic journey that showcases the beauty and fragility of the rainforest, while shedding light on the urgent need for conservation and respect for Indigenous cultures.
With stunning visuals and a gripping narrative, The Territory offers viewers a poignant tale of resistance and the power of unity in the face of environmental exploitation.
Also Known As:
The TerritoryRelease Date:
02 Dec 2022Awards:
16 wins & 27 nominations