The Terminal List (2022-) is a gripping thriller series that follows the story of a former Navy SEAL officer, James Reece, as he delves into a mysterious and devastating ambush that targeted his entire platoon during a highly classified mission. Driven by a relentless pursuit for the truth, Reece sets out on a dangerous and personal journey to uncover the hidden forces behind the attack.
Throughout the series, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride as Reece uncovers a web of corruption and betrayal that extends far beyond what he originally imagined. With each discovery, the stakes become even higher, and Reece finds himself embroiled in a deadly cat-and-mouse game where the smallest misstep could cost him his life.
Haunted by the loss of his fellow soldiers and fueled by a deep desire for justice, Reece becomes a force to be reckoned with. His training as a Navy SEAL proves invaluable as he employs his skills in combat and strategy to outwit those who wish to see him silenced. As the story unfolds, viewers find themselves on the edge of their seats, eagerly following Reece's quest for both redemption and vengeance.
The Terminal List is a captivating series that combines heart-pounding action with a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of war and the lengths one man will go to seek the truth. With its compelling storyline and dynamic characters, this series is sure to keep audiences immersed in suspense from start to finish.
Also Known As:
The Terminal ListRelease Date:
01 Jul 2022Awards:
1 nomination