In the gripping thriller The Sadist (1963), three individuals on their way to a Dodgers game in Los Angeles experience car trouble and are forced to seek help at an abandoned wrecking yard. However, their intended pit stop takes a terrifying turn when they encounter a deranged couple: a bloodthirsty psycho and his unhinged girlfriend. As tensions rise and fear mounts, the trio must fight for their lives against these relentless assailants in a harrowing battle for survival.
Set against the desolate backdrop of the wrecking yard, The Sadist delivers a chilling and suspenseful tale of desperation and violence. The film masterfully captures the escalating sense of dread and danger faced by the unsuspecting travelers, as they navigate treacherous encounters with the psychotic duo. With its heart-pounding thrills and atmospheric tension, The Sadist is a classic example of the horror genre, providing audiences with a pulse-pounding experience that will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
The SadistRelease Date:
06 Sep 1963Writers:
James Landis