The Rise & Fall of a White Collar Hooligan (2012) follows the story of Mike Jacobs, an unemployed soccer hooligan who stumbles upon credit card fraud as a means to solve his financial troubles. After getting involved in a brutal brawl with a former friend, Mike realizes that he can use credit card fraud to make quick money and live a luxurious lifestyle.
As he delves deeper into this world of easy money and beautiful women, Mike becomes entangled in a dangerous web of violence and deceit. He soon realizes that the consequences of his actions are far greater than he anticipated. An intense struggle for survival ensues, as he desperately tries to navigate the treacherous underworld he has become a part of.
The film explores themes of greed, betrayal, and the destructive nature of criminal activities. Through its gritty portrayal of Mike's descent into chaos, it sheds light on the allure and dangers of white-collar crime. The Rise & Fall of a White Collar Hooligan offers a thrilling and suspenseful narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Featuring a strong cast and compelling storytelling, this film is a gripping exploration of the consequences one faces when choosing a life of crime. With its intriguing premise and intense action sequences, it offers an engaging and thought-provoking viewing experience.
Also Known As:
The Rise & Fall of a White Collar HooliganRelease Date:
07 May 2012Writers:
Raheel Riaz, Paul Tanter