The Reunion is a captivating mystery thriller series that takes place in an isolated elite prep school. Set in a chilling winter backdrop, the story revolves around three friends who share a tragic secret. Their lives are turned upside down when the mysterious disappearance of a girl from their past resurfaces.
Flashbacks transport us 25 years back when the girl's body was secretly buried within the confines of the school's gymnasium wall. Now, as the school prepares to demolish the old structure, the traumatic event threatens to resurface, unraveling dark secrets that have long been buried.
As the main characters confront their past, they must navigate a web of deceit, betrayal, and guilt that clouds their relationships, creating an atmosphere of suspense and tension. With a relentless determination to uncover the truth, they explore the school's hidden corners, unearthing long-held secrets and unexpected revelations.
The Reunion promises an immersive viewing experience as audiences are taken on a thrilling journey into the minds of these deeply flawed characters. As the gymnasium wall crumbles, past and present collide, and the true extent of the tragedy comes to light.
Prepare to be captivated by The Reunion, a gripping series that explores the consequences of secrets and the darkness that can lie within even the most prestigious institutions.
Also Known As:
The ReunionRelease Date:
17 Oct 2022Writers:
Marston Bloom