The Possession (2012) is a chilling supernatural horror film that follows the terrifying journey of a young girl and her family. After purchasing an antique box at a yard sale, the girl unknowingly unleashes a malevolent ancient spirit that lurks within the collectible. As strange occurrences plague their lives and their daughter's behavior becomes increasingly alarming, her concerned father reluctantly partners with his ex-wife to unravel the mystery and save their child from the curse.
Driven by a relentless sense of dread, The Possession delves deep into the psychological horrors of possession, as the family's love and determination are put to the ultimate test. With spine-chilling visuals, spine-tingling sound effects, and gripping performances from the cast, this film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by Ole Bornedal and based on a true story, The Possession provides a unique take on the traditional possession narrative, exploring the themes of family bonds, sacrifice, and the battle between good and evil. Offering a thrilling and immersive cinematic experience, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression on horror enthusiasts. Brace yourself for a bone-chilling tale that will make you question the boundaries of reality and the true nature of evil.
Also Known As:
The PossessionRelease Date:
31 Aug 2012Writers:
Juliet Snowden, Stiles White, Leslie Gornstein (article)Awards:
6 nominations.