The Plot Against America is a thought-provoking drama series set in an alternate version of America in the 1940s. This gripping story unfolds in a world where Charles Lindbergh, an aviation hero, becomes the President of the United States, instead of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The narrative revolves around the Levin family, who are ordinary Jewish-Americans living in Newark, New Jersey. As Lindbergh takes office, tensions rise, and the nation becomes increasingly divided. The Levins find themselves caught in the turmoil, facing the repercussions of Lindbergh's presidency and his isolationist policies.
As their lives intertwine with historical events, the series offers a deeply personal exploration of fear, racism, and the fragility of democracy. We witness the impact of Lindbergh's leadership on the Levins as they navigate a changing society and struggle to protect their identity.
With its stellar cast and meticulous attention to detail, The Plot Against America delivers a powerful and relevant examination of what could have been. This gripping drama offers viewers an insight into an alternate history and prompts us to reflect on the consequences of political choices.
Don't miss this captivating series that explores the dark undercurrents of a nation divided, only on our streaming service.
Also Known As:
The Plot Against AmericaRelease Date:
16 Mar 2020