In the dystopian thriller film The Platform, a terrifying vertical prison known as The Pit becomes the setting for an intense battle for survival. The Pit consists of numerous levels, with each level holding two prisoners in a single cell. The only source of sustenance in this grim world is a platform that travels from the top to the bottom, carrying a limited amount of food.
However, the catch is that each level of prisoners has just two minutes to consume their share of the food before it moves to the next level. As the platform descends, the amount of food diminishes, leaving those on the lower levels with very little to eat or sometimes nothing at all. With hunger as their constant companion, the prisoners must grapple with their moral choices and desperate measures to ensure their own survival.
The Platform delves deep into the themes of inequality, greed, and the human capacity for empathy amidst extreme circumstances. As the prisoners face the harsh realities of their confinement, the film explores the psychological and physical toll it takes on them, testing their resilience and pushing them to their limits.
With its gripping storyline and thought-provoking commentary, The Platform offers a suspenseful and chilling portrayal of humanity's darkest sides. Brace yourselves for an eerie journey into The Pit, where survival is no guarantee and the nightmare knows no end.
Also Known As:
El hoyoRelease Date:
08 Nov 2019Writers:
David Desola, Pedro RiveroAwards:
10 wins & 14 nominations.