The Pale Horse (2019–) is a gripping and suspenseful mystery series that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Set in the 1960s, it follows the story of Mark Easterbrook, a man drawn into a complex web of supernatural occurrences and murder. When Mark's name is mysteriously discovered on a list found in the shoe of a dead woman, he becomes determined to unravel the truth behind these sudden deaths.
As Mark delves deeper into the investigation, he encounters a trio of witches known as The Pale Horse. Suspicions arise that these powerful women could be responsible for the deaths, but Mark remains skeptical. Is there a logical explanation behind these eerie incidents, or is it the work of dark forces?
With each twist and turn, Mark uncovers secrets and uncanny connections, leading him closer to the truth. As paranoia takes hold, he must navigate through a world of deception and danger to protect himself and those around him.
The Pale Horse is a captivating blend of mystery and supernatural elements, masterfully executed by a talented cast and crew. Take a journey into a world where reality and the supernatural intertwine, and join Mark Easterbrook on his thrilling quest for the truth.
Also Known As:
The Pale Horse