In The Odd Life of Timothy Green, a heartfelt and enchanting film released in 2012, a couple struggling with infertility takes a unique approach to their longing for a child. They bury a box in their backyard, filled with written wishes and dreams for the baby they have never been able to conceive. To their astonishment, their wishes seem to be answered when a mysterious young boy named Timothy Green appears in their lives.
However, it soon becomes clear that Timothy is no ordinary child. He possesses qualities that seem almost magical and has a profound impact on the lives of everyone around him. As his parents navigate the challenges and joys of raising their unconventional son, they discover profound life lessons about love, acceptance, and the power of dreams.
Directed by Peter Hedges and starring Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton as the parents, The Odd Life of Timothy Green is a heartwarming and emotional film that combines elements of fantasy and drama. With its thought-provoking themes and touching performances, it explores the universal desire for parenthood and the unexpected ways in which dreams can come true.
So, join this extraordinary family on their journey of love, growth, and discovering the true meaning of family in The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
Also Known As:
The Odd Life of Timothy GreenRelease Date:
15 Aug 2012Writers:
Peter Hedges, Ahmet ZappaAwards:
1 win & 8 nominations